Why You're Here:

You've said to yourself, "beauty walks a razor's edge, someday I'll make it mine."

You've often thought about what it would have been like to drop acid with Groucho Marx.

You know that until you measure it, an electron is everywhere, and your mind reels at the implications.

You'd like to get drunk on the wine from my sweet, sweet mind grapes.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

And While I'm At It...

It's high time someone murdered a CEO or board member at Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan Chase, AIG, et al. Make no mistake: I am advocating violence to the point of murder. I believe--no, I know--nothing short of it will alter Wall Street's stranglehold on our economy and--much more important--its stranglehold on our elected officials.

If I weren't married and I didn't have any living family, I'd be holed up in a cabin, off the grid, working out the finer points of my plan and honing my skills.

Instead, I stuff my brain with the highs and lows of popular culture and the highs and lows of recreational drug use so as not to think about this stuff too much.

(Note to any G-men reading this: I DO have a wife and I DO have living family members; just so we're clear there is 0% chance I would do such a thing. But I would cheer it on and hail such a person as a hero and patriot.)

(Second note: I don't include politicians as potential targets. Citizens can vote them out so I see such violence as unnecessary...for now)

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