Why You're Here:

You've said to yourself, "beauty walks a razor's edge, someday I'll make it mine."

You've often thought about what it would have been like to drop acid with Groucho Marx.

You know that until you measure it, an electron is everywhere, and your mind reels at the implications.

You'd like to get drunk on the wine from my sweet, sweet mind grapes.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Men Much Smarter Than I

I've been trying for months to condense my thoughts and feelings about the socio-political effects of the economic meltdown so I could post about it, but a man's got to know his limitations.

So, taking Mr. Callahan's advice, I highly recommend reading the following email exchanges between a former Goldman Sachs investment banker/author whose books "predicted the housing market crash, the financial crisis and the election of Barack Obama when Obama was still a little-known underdog" and a former chief economist at the International Monetary Fund.

You can read their two follow-up exchanges here and here.

Now, I'm no economist or investment banker, and my post would have been full of "motherfuckers", "bullshit", and "until blood flows like wine", but I think they mostly get my point across.

OK, time to get back to googling "how to build a guillotine". While doing so, I'll be listening to this:

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