Why You're Here:

You've said to yourself, "beauty walks a razor's edge, someday I'll make it mine."

You've often thought about what it would have been like to drop acid with Groucho Marx.

You know that until you measure it, an electron is everywhere, and your mind reels at the implications.

You'd like to get drunk on the wine from my sweet, sweet mind grapes.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Difficulty Level: Hot and Fresh Out the Kitchen

I take a great deal of pleasure in cracking open the ol' blog and engaging in some keyboard-flow. Doing so forces me to think and it forces me to sharpen my thoughts. (It's also a never-ending opportunity for this.) But more and more I'm just frustrated and overwhelmed by the depth and breadth of topics I'd like to cover and points I'd like to make. More often than not I'm better served by simply pointing you to articles and opinions more trenchant and more eloquently stated than mine; other times I know there's a thread connecting it all that only I possess.

Sometimes I glimpse these thoughts in passing as I drift off to sleep, only to have them remain elusive when I try to revisit them. What's worse, just having these thoughts doesn't mean I'm in any position to communicate them. I know that when I really need to get something across I get better results with the written word than the spoken word. Right now, I can't get them onto the screen or the page, so these thoughts stay trapped in my head and have become a burden.

Until I can,

read as much as you can
ask questions
listen first, speak second--or not at all
spare a little time for quiet contemplation

Do this and I'll be proud of you.

And remember,

"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."

For my godless heathen readers, that's the very first line of the Bible, and though I care not a whit for religion, I am always aware that above all, language binds us--it invests us with the divine and allows us to know the divine in each other, for it is itself divine.


small note re: picture: I'm no fan of anthropomorphizing--or even morphizing--the Almighty, but I always like to find a picture for each post if I can, and I quite like this one. So there.

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